  +90 212 246 11 19




We have extensive knowledge in all matters regarding the media and entertainment sectors. We have been catering to the needs of both domestic and international companies active in the conventional and social media sectors.

Over the years, our emphasis on social media has grown in line with ever-growing shift from conventional media. We have worked with some of the global social media platforms and providers of social media content, both in transactional and regulatory matters.

We have extensive experience in working with regulatory bodies such as the Information and Communication Technologies Authority and the Radio and Television Supreme Council.


Our services in the media and entertainment sectors include:

Our law firm has been selected as one of the leading Turkish law firms in the area of media law
by Media Law International for the third time consecutively since 2016.

Bu sitede yer alan bilgiler yalnızca bilgilendirme amaçlı olup hiçbir şekilde hukuki görüş veya teklif niteliğinde değildir. Bu siteyi ziyaretiniz, Öncel, Aydin, Uygun Avukatlık Ortaklığı ile aranızda avukat-müvekkil ilişkisi kurulduğu yönünde değerlendirilemeyecektir. Profesyonel destek için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
(+90) 212 246 11 19
(+90) 212 231 42 17
Maslak Mah. Ahi Evran Cad.
Polaris Plaza No:21 Kat:15 D:63
Sariyer-Istanbul, Turkiye